Sunday, 21 April 2013

Term 2 Week 5 Updates

Dear parents,

Here's the lesson updates for the class:-

1) We have completed lesson 1, Textbook page 68-71. 
(i) Pupils have learnt how to recognise the following words“太阳、笑、书包、见、说、早、我们、又、读书、写字”
(ii) Pupils have learnt how to write the following words “儿、了、上、个、开”
(iii) Pupils have learnt the words with “人字旁”and“女字旁”
(iv) The used of the words “又”and“也”to form sentences

2) Gentle reminder that Spelling (11) is on Tuesday 23.4.2013.

3) Small writing whiteboard
Please kindly get your child to bring along a small writing whiteboard to be used in class for learning.

Thank you

Mrs Pearlyn See